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Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program administered by The College Board and consists of standardized high school courses that are equivalent to undergraduate college courses. After completing an AP class, students typically take the AP exam in that subject, which can earn them credits and accelerated placement in college.

The Benefits of Taking Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Top of Page

Save Money

At most colleges, you receive some sort of class credit for AP Exam scores of three or higher. This credit often goes toward introductory college courses in the same subject as the AP class, so that will be one less class that you are paying for in your college career.

Graduate Sooner

Earning college credit through the AP exam score of three and higher will allow you to graduate sooner, saving you not only money through savings on tuition, room and board, and other living expenses, but also your time.

College Admissions

Taking AP courses is a way to show college admissions officers that your student is more likely to be able to handle a college curriculum. Taking AP courses can also indicate to them a higher level of commitment to your education and to challenging yourself.

Develop Skills

AP courses will help the student develop college-level academic skills, as they are made up of students and educators with a strong commitment to excellence in learning. In addition, it will prepare students for the amount of work and study time involved in their college career.

Financial Aid

Many colleges and universities will consider a student's AP coursework when making decisions about which students will receive scholarships.


By giving students a pathway that allows them to remove some basic introductory courses from their schedule, students are better able to exercise further options like adding a major or minor, studying abroad, or taking elective courses without slowing or delaying their year of graduation.
Adapted from "The Benefits Of Advanced Placement (AP) Classes" by Suzanne Shaffer, Teenlife Media, 2014.

Courses Offered
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The following AP courses are offered at Overfelt High School:


European History

Spanish Literature

Calculus A/B

French Language


Calculus B/C

Human Geography

Studio Art



U.S. Government

Computer Science


U.S. History

English Language



English Literature

Spanish Language