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Engineering Academy

A California Partnership Academy - CPA
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This is a cohorted academy of students looking to pursue skills and experiences related to the Engineering Design career pathway. Funding is provided in part by the California Department of Education as well as East Side Union High School District - and of course, our Business and Community Partners.
Outside of High Scores Museum
4 people enjoying an arcade cabinet
Pro opening an arcade cabinet
Student in front of a Popeye Arcade Cabinet

Course List
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Introduction to Engineering Design (10th)

  • Dual-enrollment to receive college credit while completing Academy Coursework
  • Based on curriculum by Project Lead the Way
  • Introduced to the engineering design process
    • Apply math, science, and engineering standards to identify and design solutions to real problems.
    • Create hand-drawn and scaled technical drawings
    • Using creativity and skills in design to solve real-world problems.
  • Project(s)
    • Designing and creating an arcade cabinet

Principles of Engineering (11th)

  • Dual-enrollment to receive college credit while completing Academy Coursework
  • Based on curriculum by Project Lead the Way
    • Empowers students to develop technical skills through the use of engineering tools to bring their solutions to life, such as:
      • 3-d modeling software
      • Hands-on prototyping equipment
      • Programming software
      • Robotics hardware
    • Experimental design and testing experience
    • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
    • Programming
    • Electrical Circuits

Digital Electronics (12th)

  • Dual-enrollment to receive college credit while completing Academy Coursework
  • Based on the curriculum by Project Lead the Way
  • Students learn the digital circuit process to create circuits and present solutions that can improve people’s lives
  • Students develop skills in programming and assembling single-board computers
  • Solder and de-solder components to circuit boards.
  • Create a program to manage inputs and outputs of a single-board computer
  • Programming with Python
  • Controlling sensors, motors, etc

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  • High Scores Interactive Arcade Museum Visit
  • CSU Monterey Bay College Visit
  • Tech Interactive Lab Activities


  • San Jose State University Lab Experience
  • SJSU Racing Team Tour


  • Maker Faire - Students attended the Maker Faire, where they saw new inventions, products, and career opportunities!
  • College visits to CSU East Bay and UC Berkeley
... and more!

Our Team
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Hoan Phan


Engineering Academy Coordinator

English Teacher


Gemaline Day


Engineering Academy

Course Instructor


Gabriela Chairez  

(Counseling Office)

Engineering Academy



Nicholas Gonzalez


Engineering Academy

Math Teacher


Mark Wightman


Engineering Academy

Social Science Teacher


2 students working
2 students painting
3 students posing in front of a sign
Students at Maker
3 students at Maker
Mini cabinet project
A mini arcade cabinet