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Alternative Education Options

Apollo High School
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Recommended for 11th and 12th grade
Serves approximately 140 students

Attendance is critical: 4 hours per day must be completed to receive credit.  Half of the students attend the AM classes and half attend the PM classes.  Students may be offered concurrent classes, CCOC, Adult Education and many other choices for earning credits.

Located on the Overfelt High School Campus
Address: 1835 Cunningham Ave. San Jose, CA. 95122
Office Phone: (408) 928-5400

Foothill High School
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Recommended for 11th and 12th grade
Serves approximately 450 students

Students may be referred because they are deficient in credits, have major disciplinary problems, low academic skills, truancy and social or emotional problems.  Classes are small and promote individualized attention. 

Located off of 880/Mckee/Capitol Ave. 
Address: 230 Pala Ave.  San Jose, CA. 95127
Office Phone: (408) 928-9100

Pegasus High School
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Recommended for 16-18 year olds
Serves approximately 120 students 
The campus is self-contained high school houses three classrooms.  Each standard school day from Monday through Thursday is three-and-a-half hours long, with 60 AM students attending: 7:40am-11:25am and 60 PM students attending from 11:35 am-3:20pm. Fridays are staff collaboration days and student hours are:  AM-8am-11:10 am and PM-11:15am-2:25pm.
Located on the Independence High School Campus
Address:1776 Educational Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95133 
Office Phone: (408) 928-5440

Phoenix High School
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Serves approximately 80 students.

Serves 11th and 12th graders significantly behind in credits. Students encouraged to attend SVCTE. Classes are small and the school day is 3 ½ hours.

Located on the Santa Teresa High School campus
Address: 6150 Snell Ave. San Jose, CA 95123
Home Phone: (408) 347-6291

San Jose Job Corps
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Serves 16-24 year olds

Students that attend can obtain a High School Diploma or GED.  Students can also choose from over 20 vocational programs and have the opportunity to live on campus or commute.  Student must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident.

Address: 3485 East Hills Dr. San Jose, CA. 95127
Office Phone: (408) 254-5627

San Jose Conservation Corps + Charter School
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Serves 17 ½ - 27 year olds

The San Jose Conservation Corps & Charter School is a non-profit organization that provides opportunity youth with a quality high school education and teaches valuable work and life skills that empower them to become responsible, productive, and caring citizens.  Students receive skills through the career technical education programs, and the ability to earn scholarships and funding for post-secondary education through our AmeriCorps program.

Address: 1560 Berger Dr, San Jose, CA 95112
2650 Senter Rd, San Jose, CA 95111
​Office Phone: (408) 283-7171

Adult Ed for High School Diploma or GED
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Serves 17 ½ and older

Students for the GED Program: must be a 12th grader, 130 credits or less, 17 years old (minimum), must read at a 7th grade level or above
Adult Ed for High School Diploma must meet the unit requirements of 150, pass required courses

Locations: Independence High School:  625 Educational Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95133
Office Phone: (408) 928-9300, Overfelt High School, 1901 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 Office Phone: (408) 254-8100 & Andrew Hill Adult Ed 
East Side Union High School District Adult Ed website:

Opportunity Youth Academy (OYA)
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Serves 16- 24 year olds

High School Diploma for students who have not yet earned a high school diploma and are students who are disengaged from school, students with IEPs & 504 plans, Foster Youth, McKinney- Vento (homeless), students who are parents or expecting, students on probation (if they meet criteria)

Address: 749 Story Rd. Suite 10, San Jose, CA. 95122
Office Phone: (844) 692-4888

Other Options
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CHSPE- California High School Proficiency Exam
  • Students who are 16 years or older who are seeking to test and get a state diploma. 
  • Students test on English and Math
  • Students must register online and pay a test fee $130.00
  • Website:

CAVA - California Virtual Academies
  • Free online schooling  
  • Students of any age can register over the phone or online
  • All classes are taught online and school supplies and materials are provided for free. 
  • Website:

HiSET-  High School Equivalency Test
  • Alternate to high school diploma
  • Adult Education programs provide preparation for the test
  • There are 5 tests.
  • More information: