Welcome Overfelt Class of 2028Top of Page
This page provides information about shadow days, academy/course selections, the freshmen Camelot Summer Institute program, enrollment information, etc.
The Overfelt counseling department will visit local middle schools from January to March to meet with 8th-grade students. During these visits, students will learn everything they need to know about becoming an Overfelt Royal!
Royal Shadow DaysTop of Page
Shadow Days are every Wednesday from February through March. Students are matched with a current Overelt student based on their interests or academy choice. Please fill out this form to attend a shadow day. You can go to the bit.ly/wco28shadows webpage or scan the QR code on the flyer below to sign up. We will email you to confirm your date.

Camelot Summer Institute- Freshmen Summer ProgramTop of Page
The CSI 9th grade summer program is open to incoming 9th-grade students. Students will have the opportunity to earn high school credits, meet teachers, current Royals, and attend a college field trip, etc. Go to the bit.ly/overfeltcsi webpage or scan the QR code on the flyer below to sign up for the program.

Enrollment InformationTop of Page
If Overfelt is your home school and you attend one of the following middle schools: Fischer, Ocala, Renaissance, LeyVa, Hubbard, Adelante, Quimby...
Step #1: Submit the course/academy selection form. Ensure you include updated contact information (parent telephone and email) when you complete the form. After you complete step #1, you are done with the enrollment process.
If Overfelt is your home school and you attend a charter, private, or middle school not listed above...
Step #1: Submit the course/academy selection form.
Step #2: Submit your registration packet to Overfelt. You can pick up the packet at our registration office or visit our Office of the Registrar webpage to download the packet.
If Overfelt is not your home school, but you want to be a Royal…
Step #1: Complete the Intra-district transfer form and return it to Overfelt High School (in person or by email). You can pick up the form at our registration office.
Step #1: Submit the course/academy selection form. Ensure you include updated contact information (parent telephone and email) when you complete the form. After you complete step #1, you are done with the enrollment process.
If Overfelt is your home school and you attend a charter, private, or middle school not listed above...
Step #1: Submit the course/academy selection form.
Step #2: Submit your registration packet to Overfelt. You can pick up the packet at our registration office or visit our Office of the Registrar webpage to download the packet.
If Overfelt is not your home school, but you want to be a Royal…
Step #1: Complete the Intra-district transfer form and return it to Overfelt High School (in person or by email). You can pick up the form at our registration office.
Step #2: Submit your registration packet to Overfelt. You can pick up the packet at our registration office or visit our Office of the Registrar webpage to download the packet.