Tutoring Services
Tutoring Opportunities Top of Page
Review the resources below to get you started in reaching your academic goals.
Paper Tutoring
Online tutoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Paper tutors are here to help. Unlimited 1-on-1 tutoring & writing support available on-demand, 24/7, at no cost to you. Log in through ARMS (arms.esuhsd.org)!
Tutorial Tuesdays
- To request TUTORIAL go to “Flex Time” under “my tools”
- MINGA ALLOWS YOU TO USE TUTORIAL via “Flex Time” to register for a teacher’s tutorial
- Request a tutorial appointment via QR code/MiNGA app
- The teacher will see your appointment for you to come for tutorial on a certain day or remove you (reject appointment)
- Use the MINGA app to show the safety team you’re good to leave
- Go to your appointment oin Tuesday and check-in
Students should also check in with their teachers to get 1:1 support OR attend tutoring in the Library. See the schedule on the back!