Staff Resources
Welcome to the Staff Resources page! Here you'll find useful links and downloads to help you do the important work that you do. For additional questions and supports, please do not hesitate to speak with the administration or any of the contacts listed below.
Some of the most common inquiries can be found by looking through the tabs below.
ARMS acts as a hub for the districts' many tools available to you as an instructor. Here you can access testing portals, curriculum resources, employee self-service, your evaluations, and other relevant links. ARMS also allows you to reset student account passwords if your students need assistance with logging in.
Tech Issues
If you require assistance with your district technology, please submit a ticket to the district help desk. There, you can inquire about classroom equipment maintenance, district devices, internet connection issues, and equipment requests. If you need some tips about Canvas use, ask about the Canvas Support Group or ask Admin for your Software Implementation Committee Member.
Bell Schedules
The quickest answers:
- Overfelt High School follows a block schedule.
- Mondays and Thursdays are odd (Periods 1, 3, 5, 7)
- Tuesdays and Fridays are even. (Periods 2, 4, 6)
- School begins at 8:30am for all bell schedules.
- The full schedules can be found here.
- There are occasionally special schedules for assemblies, special events, and testing days.
Collaboration will usually happen in the afternoon after the last class on Tuesdays and Fridays. Each of these will be one of the following:
- All-Staff Meetings
- Department Meetings
- Course-group collaborations or PLCs
- Professional Development opportunities
This time is meant for teachers to have time to coordinate and align their individual teaching practices into a unified effort and receive support from their fellow Royals. Please contact administration for questions regarding scheduled collaborations.
Don't Forget to Sign Up
To sign up for event supervision to satisfy your requirements, contact Kyle Prince for information about event dates and sign-ups. You can also satisfy part of this requirement by acting as a supervisor for one of the student-run clubs - just ask him!
Twice every school year, teachers convene in the gym and spend the evening meeting the families of their students, briefly discussing their ongoing performance. It is an important opportunity to make the connections that make us a Royal Family! These events occur once every semester. Teacher attendance is guaranteed and accounts for a mandatory portion of your supervision hours. For specifics, please contact administration.
The student advisors can be reached using this Operoo form to assist in behavior interventions.
Please make sure you learn the extensions and procedures for emergencies or time-sensitive situations. Your student advising team will assist you in managing emergencies and disciplinary situations.
Student Advisors
Araceli Rodriguez
Soledad Varela
Logistical AssistanceTop of Page

If you have questions about personnel files, substitute teacher arrangements, timesheets, meetings with the principal, or year-end sign-out procedures, send Jacky Rosas an email!

If you have questions regarding student accounts, device distribution, or other logistical situations, let Chief know!
Quick Support for New Students in ClassTop of Page
Professionals Required to Report Suspected Child Abuse Top of Page
Individuals designated as mandatory reporters typically have frequent contact with children. Such individuals may include:
- Social workers
- Teachers and other school personnel
- Physicians and other health-care workers
- Mental health professionals
- Child care providers
- Medical examiners or coroners
- Law enforcement officers
- Call the Department of Family and Children's Services Child Abuse and Neglect Center at tel. 408-299-2071.
- Complete a State of California Suspected Child Abuse Report (SS8572).
- Mail the written report (SS8572) within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident to the:
Mandated reporters have immunity from civil or criminal liability as a result of making the report.Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children's Services
Child Abuse and Neglect Center
373 West Julian St. - Second Floor
San Jose CA 95110
Failure to report a suspected abuse carries a punishment not to exceed six months in jail or $1000 or both.
The identity of all persons who report shall be confidential. No supervisor or administrator may impede or prohibit reporting.